Transform the wellbeing of your workplace with Gratitube™

  • Gratitude practice involves simply spending a few moments in our day to reflect upon things that we appreciate.

  • There is a wellbeing crisis. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, 1 in 7 globally had mental health difficulties.

    Since the pandemic began, 60% of adults report a worsening of their mental health.

    In this ever unpredictable world, productivity is down at work, absenteeism is up, and dissatisfied employees are resigning more than ever before.

  • Practising gratitude has been scientifically shown to benefit us in many ways including increased happiness and self-confidence, reduced stress, and better sleep.

    For some of the research backed benefits of gratitude practice in the workplace read on below.

  • Gratitube™ is here to help. Let us work with your organisation to help make sustainable changes to workplace culture that will benefit you and your employees.

Gratitube™’s medical and psychology experts deliver 5 star rated workshops proven to improve job satisfaction

Here are a few reasons why you, and your team, need gratitude practice…

More motivated teams

With gratitude practice, 93% of employees feel motivated to give their best.

Boost team productivity

Gratitude practice increases productivity by up to 50%.

Happier teams that stay together

Research shows that gratitude practice improves job satisfaction, and leads to less voluntary turnover.

Wellbeing at work shouldn’t be a tick box exercise - invest in meaningful change

Promoting wellbeing at work can lead to an 8.5% return on investment

Our services

We have over 20 years of combined clinical experience helping patients’ improve their wellbeing. This, alongside our personal experience and expertise in gratitude practice, enables us to deliver workshops that leave a lasting positive change across organisations. 

Our workshops are evidence based, unique, and engaging. Above all, they are fun!

  • We work with a diverse range of organisations, from banks to universities, who want to improve their culture. Our workshops have been shown to increase staff satisfaction and retention.

  • Our workshop series starts with an introduction into gratitude practice and also includes gratitude and nature, gratitude and others, and gratitude at work.

  • Discover what gratitude practice is.

    Learn about the science behind the practice and how it affects all aspects of our wellbeing, from psychological to physical.

    Use our tried and tested methods and tips to practice gratitude, and easily build a habit.

    Experience a series of fun and rewarding exercises to start you on your gratitude journey.

Recognising that no organisation is the same, we also offer tailored advice and ongoing partnerships. Get in touch for your free consultation to discuss how we can help you.

We love to connect with audiences all over the world. Talk to us about guest speaking, interviews and collaboration.

100% of attendees would recommend our workshops to others.*

*Post workshop survey.

88% of teams report ongoing improvement in work satisfaction. **

**Data 12 weeks after our interventions.